New Orleans Truck Attacker Another Case of Made in America Terrorism—The Hutchinson Report

Earl Ofari Hutchinson

[00:00:00.11] – Speaker 1

This is Earl Ofari Hutchinson. Welcome to another edition of The Hutchinson Report, the Weekly Hutchinson Report. Samshud Din-Jabbar  Let me repeat that name. Samshud Din-Jabbar  The heinous, horrific, hideous, New Orleans Massacre, truck attack. Now, in the moments after the absolute deadly murderous attack by Then Jafar. The speculation, I mean, incessant speculation, who, what, why? Let’s get to the who, first of all, because the who, and the what, and the why all come together. First of all, there’s no question about it, even though Trump waved in right away with the border, illegal immigration, bashing, using that as an example. No information, no data, nothing to substantiate that. Rushed in because it was self-serving. It fit a political agenda of Trump. But then others, ISIS, conspiracy, Islamic terrorism, Muslim, Muslim, Muslim, Violence, terrorism. As it turns out, it was none of those things. What it was and what he is and what most terrorist attacks, almost all on American soil have been made in America. Homegrown, American, made in America, not in a country thousands of miles away, not foreign enemies, not terrorists that are imported in from another country. Right here in the good old USA, terrorism, and that’s what it was, a Terrorist Act in New Orleans, comes with an American label.


[00:01:55.24] – Speaker 1

Here’s the problem with that. When we spin conspiracy theories, when we spend foreign terrorist mania, when we, as Trump, lasered on illegal immigration and a lax border, essentially, what happens is we disarm the American people. We put people, greater numbers of individuals, Americans, in harm’s way because it’s always a thinking it’s them from somewhere else, not right here in our own backyard. Din Jabbar was a military guy. He is an African American with a Muslim name. But nonetheless, born, raised, grew up, nurtured in the good old USA, a US citizen by birth. We can’t say that and emphasize that enough because we keep hearing, and they’re going to keep hearing because it’s self-serving, that terrorism comes from abroad, somewhere else, and therefore, we have to be on guard, close the borders, close the airports, all kinds of things, violate Civil Liberties because these are the foreigners coming in to blow us up, to car bombers, to truck bombers, to plant bombs, to kill, may, murder. But as it turns out, once again, no surprise with him and the cyber attacker in Las Vegas. These are military guys, the US military, not the Saudi, not the Afghan, not the Iraqi military, but the US military.


[00:03:39.05] – Speaker 1

Homegrown. Let’s be clear, when we talk about murderous, deadly, terrorist attacks on US soil, we’re talking again, and I cannot emphasize this enough. I have to drive this point home. Made in America, terrorism. We have created the monster right here. It could be someone that lives right next door to you. I’m struck by all of the comments about Din Jabbar. We were surprised. Good guy, for the most part. Yeah, he had a checkered history. But those that knew him, many of them had kind words about him. His commander in that particular regimen he was in had kind words up to a point because it caught them off guard. See, they’re thinking and our thinking is, again, terrorism is made somewhere else on foreign soil, not in your own backyard. It could be your neighbor, it could be a son, it could be a daughter, it could be a brother, it could be a sister, it could be a father, it could be body, but nonetheless made in America. So the message of a Din jabbar, and sadly, we will probably continue, we’ll see it again. Always remember, when we talk about heinous, murderous, deadly terror attacks, it’s not somewhere else.


[00:05:03.23] – Speaker 1

It’s right here. American violence is just that. Violence, terrorism made in America. You’ve been listening and watching the Hutchinson Report. I’m Earl Ofari Hutchinson. Thanks again.

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