Is Trump Right More Blacks and Hispanics Back Him Because  Illegal Immigrants Take Their Jobs?

Earl Ofari Hutchinson

This is Earl Ofari Hutchinson with another edition of the Hutchinson Report. Is Trump right when he says, and he has said it many, many times, is he right when he says illegal immigrants are taking jobs from blacks and Hispanics as a result of that, taking jobs from allegedly what he calls black jobs, whatever that is, and Hispanic jobs, whatever that is. In other words, they’re hurting, hurting, hurting the black and Hispanic communities economically. Therefore, that’s why more blacks are saying, you’re right, Donald Trump, and we’re going to vote for you, we’re going to support you. And here’s a quote from Donald Trump straight literally from the horse’s mouth at a recent rally in Reading, Pennsylvania.


[00:00:51.23] – Speaker 1

This is what Trump had to say. They’re going to be attacking, and they already are. Black population jobs, I like that. Construction, black population jobs. The Hispanic population jobs, I like that.


[00:01:06.01] – Speaker 1

Construction too. And they’re attacking union jobs too. He threw labor into it and the unions. So when you see the border, it’s not just a crime, your jobs are being taken too. That’s Donald Trump at a rally in Reading, Pennsylvania.


[00:01:23.13] – Speaker 1

And we heard variations on that, that line, that little drama from Trump over and over again. Black jobs. Now he says black population jobs, I like that. Construction, go figure. Or Hispanic population jobs.


[00:01:39.16] – Speaker 1

All right. The big question though is, by the way, it’s been totally debunked. They’re not taking jobs away. These are jobs in most cases that are lower level construction, retail and so forth. And that blasting Hispanics, native born aren’t taking those jobs anyway.


[00:01:55.16] – Speaker 1

They moved on and they moved up. So that’s been totally debunked. But that’s not the point. The point is believability and touching, an emotion. When you watch closely at Trump rallies and when he blows that line or interviews, applause.


[00:02:11.10] – Speaker 1

They go wild, they go crazy, they go ballistic. I’m talking about at the rallies and Mega Nation and beyond. His audience. Many people do feel fearful and many people are concerned, in fact, the majority of Americans are concerned about what they consider a lax and porous border. And all the companions scare stuff from Trump.


[00:02:34.27] – Speaker 1

Illegal immigrants coming in, murders, rapists, insane asylums being empty, prisons being emptied, crime, rampage, murder, rampage, terrorizing communities. It touches a nerd. Many people feel that and many people are, let’s face it, they are nervous, they’re anxious and they buy into it. Okay, now we come back to African Americans. Yes, there is a slight percentage, marginal percentage of young black males and maybe perhaps young black females, certainly even maybe a bigger percentage of native born Hispanics and male and female who are concerned and do buy into it about illegal immigrants and their impact on jobs and their ability to get jobs and advance up the economic scale, that illegal immigrants somehow, as Trump says, are taking all these jobs away.


[00:03:36.23] – Speaker 1

Crime rate, murder, raid, wave, you have it, whatever you want to call it. The fact is Trump is playing hard, hard, hard on that, and it’s having an impact. The three biggest issues in presidential campaign election 2024 are immigration number two, number three, abortion number one, the economy. But one and two, immigration, illegal immigration and the economy, economy, they fit in, they tie in. And Trump in a diabolical way, and I’ll give him this, has tied them in and touched that emotional nerve not only with the general population fearful about illegal immigrants, but also blacks and Hispanics and the issue specifically of taking jobs away.


[00:04:24.22] – Speaker 1

All right, we’ll have to see how it plays out. One, if in fact there’s a marginal bump up in black support, Hispanic support because of that, Two, what it does in terms of the general population, their concerns about illegal immigration, three, the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris, how she attacks that and confronts that, and most importantly on Election Day, how it plays out at the polls. All right, is Trump right that blacks and Hispanics jobs are being taken away by illegal immigrants and will it have an impact on the election? We’ll see. I’m Earl Ofari Hutchinson.


[00:05:02.04] – Speaker 1

Thanks for listening to another edition of the Hutchinson Report.

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