Why Would Someone Write Why we want insurance executives dead

Why Would Someone Write Why we want insurance executives dead

The Hutchinson Report

Earl Ofari Hutchinson

[00:00:01.320] – Speaker 1

This is Earl Ofari Hutchinson. Welcome to another edition of the weekly, the Hutchinson Report. The tragedy, that’s the only way to describe it. The tragic murder. And that’s the only way to describe it.


[00:00:13.570] – Speaker 1

A murder, a hit against United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson in midtown Manhattan. All right, the world was shocked by that. How did it happen? Why did it happen immediately? What happened was a torrent of hate for the health care industry and it followed the CEO’s killing.


[00:00:34.610] – Speaker 1

Many people text roll on X on Facebook. They were glad. They were happy. They actually cheered the death. The murder of an innocent man walking down the street.


[00:00:47.690] – Speaker 1

Why did that happen? Why did a blogger feel that he needed to write and headline why we share the murder of insurance executives. To be more specific, why we want insurance executives dead. All right, let’s go through the checklist of things about the healthcare industry. I think we certainly know that it’s been under fire.


[00:01:09.070] – Speaker 1

Number one, denials of many, many claims, many of them in critical condition. Number two, above everything else, probably, number one, the massive cost of health care in America, bankrupting literally tens of millions. Number three, accessibility. Despite the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, tens of millions of Americans have no chance at any health care. Number four, not just denials, but even after oftentimes there’s been an approval, there can be a hitch, there can be a delay.


[00:01:44.900] – Speaker 1

And oftentimes if that’s a delay, if you’ve got a critical condition, could be cancer, could be diabetes, could be heart condition, stroke, anything that requires immediate, not only emergency, but ongoing health care. Number one, it’s costly. Number two, it might not even be there because again, the lack of accessibility and deniability. So all of these factors. And then there’s a fifth thing.


[00:02:10.730] – Speaker 1

The American health care system is a profit centered health care system. That is insurance companies call the shots. Now, in the case of United Health Care, a number of criticisms of that industry outlet. Why? Because one, they denied a lot of claims, even more than the industry standard.


[00:02:33.080] – Speaker 1

The second thing, they use artificial intelligence in denying claims. 90% of them were essentially reversed. But the fact is time, time, time, delay, delay, delay, dodge, dodge, dodge. All of those taken together fueled anger. You had over 100,000 within moments.


[00:02:57.620] – Speaker 1

You know, after the killing of Brian Thompson, murder, many people not only cheering, but saying, you know what, we’re not unhappy about that. And they were telling their stories about how horror stories about how they were oftentimes put through the wringer. When it came to getting treatment, when it came to getting attention and came to getting care. I’m just reminded of one woman who wrote on TikTok that she had brain, excuse me, not brain, breast cancer. And the provider said to her, is this an emergency?


[00:03:31.090] – Speaker 1

Again, we can’t verify whether that’s true or not, but I tend to believe something like that could happen. It’s a profit centered, exclusively profit centered system. So right away, when you have that bottom line, concerns are always going to take in many cases, the precedent. The ancient thing is when you went to a hospital, who’s your insurer? Can you pay?


[00:03:57.460] – Speaker 1

Who’s your insurer? Can you pay? I mean, that’s been burned, you know, into the literature, burned into almost the iconography, you know, of anything about the healthcare system in America. That’s one of the reasons why the Affordable Care act was certainly cheered widely. And despite all the attempts by the GOP to knock it out and Trump, the fact of the matter is the majority of American people support it because bottom line, quality health care to many is not only a right, not only a necessity, but literally a matter of life and death.


[00:04:38.770] – Speaker 1

No, we don’t condone murder. No, we don’t condone killings. No. And our sympathy goes out to the family of Brian Thompson, as it should. No, we’re not going to go on TikTok and X saying, oh, we’re wildly sharing that.


[00:04:52.010] – Speaker 1

No. However, we are concerned about excessive costs and care and affordability and accessibility in the American health care system. That should be a concern for all and by all of us. I’m Earl Ofari Hutchinson. Once again, thanks for tuning in and listening to this week’s edition of the Hutchinson Report.


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